We will not be taking on any new clients or patients until 15th February 2022. We are busy in January with existing clients, covering at Companion Care Vets in Eastbourne, and making time for our own dogs. We will be closed completely between January 29th and February 13th for a well earned break.
No apologies… we can’t pour from an empty cup.
We only treat animals on referral from your primary care vet. Although most owners contact us directly, your vet will be asked to complete the referral form, and to email all relevant clinical history. Your pet must be a registered and active client of a veterinary practice which offers 24hour emergency care (on or off site) in order to use the services of Four Seasons Holistic Veterinary Care.
We offer home visits in the Hastings, Bexhill, Battle, and Eastbourne areas. We do not have a practice building!
Our vet Vicky has a regular clinic at Companion Care Vets in Eastbourne.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and all that jazz…
The worsening Covid-19 situation makes it impossible for us to take on any new clients for home visits for acupuncture, behaviour consultations, or holistic consultations.
Our Vet Vicky Payne has taken on extra hours at Companion Care Vets in Eastbourne to help ease the pressure that splitting the team in two is causing . Emails, texts, and messages will only be dealt with on Thursdays and Fridays.
We will continue to provide support for existing clients, and may be able to offer assistance by telephone in some cases.
Thank you for your patience.

Looking for pet health advice?
Where do you go when you want pet health advice? Google, the pet shop, a book, your dog groomer, the vets?
It has never been easier to look for information on pet health and care, but how do you know which sources to trust, and who is allowed to treat your pet?
Your vet is your pet’s second best friend!
Your vet really does have your pet’s best interests at heart. Your vet should be your first port of call if your pet is unwell. All veterinary practices in the UK will have a vet or veterinary nurse to deal with your queries 24 hours a day (though this may be via an emergency clinic at night or weekends).
Some insurance companies offer access to a telephone or video triage service which can advise you on how urgent the problem is, and Veterinary Poisons Information Service have a line for owners worried their pet has eaten something toxic.
Your veterinary practice website might also have pages on a range of illnesses and symptoms.
Online support groups can be useful
Your vet may suggest an on-line support group or website for your pet’s condition. When these are run by vets, nurses, or even drug companies you can be sure of getting great advice. Be more careful with owner run groups as sometimes these are sources of poor, unqualified advice.
Who can help me treat my pet?
Only a qualified vet can make a diagnosis or supply medicines for your pet. Recommending supplements and diets is a grey area, and you should consult your vet before making any changes.
Vets will often work with paraprofessionals including hydrotherapists, physiotherapists, and behavourists. But the buck always stops with the vet!
What about homeopathy and zoopharmacognosy?
Yep, even those must be done by a vet or under the instruction of a vet unless you are treating your own pet.
There are many vets offering a natural or holistic approach to veterinary care.
Why? Is it all about big pharma?
No, it’s all about animal protection. Animals are not little humans. They can react to chemicals in a very different way to humans. They also can’t communicate their needs or consent to treatments. Vets are trained and entrusted to make a diagnosis and choose the best treatment paths with the pet’s owner. Despite concerns, the RCVS has not banned vets from using complementary treatments, it just expects us to have considered all options and to have discussed the evidence for each treatment with the owner. Informed consent. We are also not allowed to make wild unsubstantiated claims about treatments. We have to do 35 hours of extra training every year to stay up to date. We have to be insured and pay for the RCVS to regulate us. If we suggest an unproven treatment which harms your pet without explaining the risks (be that conventional or complementary) or make an avoidable error in diagnosis… you have some comeback against us. Try taking an internet supplier with no registered address to court…
Prove it!
We endeavour to keep the costs of treatment, visits, and medicines at an affordable level. Our prices for herbal medicines have not changed for several years, but unfortunately our supplier has had to increase their prices significantly due to increasing manufacturing and shipping costs…so we have to pass this on to our clients. Below are the new costs for our most commonly prescribed botanical medicines. Herbal medicines remain great value with most formulas coming in at under £1 a day for a 30kg dog and around 30p a day for a cat.
100g dry herbs £7.50
200ml herbal tincture £23
500ml herbal tincture £ 47
Zoopharmacognosy is the latest buzz in the complementary treatment of cats and dogs. There are courses in it for pet owners, and some claiming to certify you to offer the service to others. There is also letter in the Vet Times encouraging vets to get involved. So, is this a treatment you should consider with your pets?
Zoopharmacognosy means animals self selecting medicinal plants or minerals to cure themselves of illness. Scientists have observed several animal species using naturally occurring plants or minerals when unwell. The two most commonly cited cases are that of elephants with diarrhoea seeking out a special type of clay to eat and sick chimpanzees eating bitter and mildly toxic leaves to treat parasite infestations. In our domestic animals we see cats and dogs chewing grass; as this often induces vomiting it has been suggested they eat the grass when feeling sick to help remove toxins or parasites from the gut. otherwise evidence for this type of medicine in companion animals is largely anecdotal. Yes, rabbits will often choose dandelion leaves over grass when they have gut stasis, but we can’t know if they are seeking out the gut stimulating bitters in the herb, or whether being offered a favourite food is why they choose it. There is also a story of a worm infested dog choosing an onion over and apple and never touching an onion again; was he really trying to rid himself of worms, or did he make a bad choice and decide onions weren’t tasty? How did he know that the dose of onion he took was safe (as onions are quite toxic to dogs).
This is an important question and hinges on our domestic pets still being able to detect toxic plants from safe plants, and knowing when to take mildly toxic plants and in what doses. The experience of most general practice vets would be that domestic pets aren’t that good at it; we’ve all treated dogs, cats, and small pets which have eaten toxic house or garden plants, unsuitable vegetables, toxic substrates such as cocoa mulch, and garden bulbs. Part of the safety element relies on the therapist only offering safe plants, and then knowing what dose is suitable for the animal. Another element is the form in which herbs are presented; we know that horses won’t ingest toxic ragwort when it is growing (unless they are starving) but readily ingest it in hay. Plants may be safe whole and dried, but their refined essential oils much less safe, especially for cats. Finally herb quality must be considered; not all suppliers check the quality of raw ingredients and there have been cases of contamination and substitution, even in big high street brands!
If zoopharmacognosy is practised then it should only be offered by experienced trained herbalists. The many courses are as yet unregulated making it hard for owners to know what level of understanding a practitioner has. The practitioner needs an in depth knowledge of herbal medicines, animal physiology, and conventional drugs- as many herbs interact with conventional medication. We feel that non-veterinary practitioners should work under the supervision of, and on referral from a vet (as with other valued paraprofessionals such as physios, behaviourists, hydrotherapists and massage therapists). Sadly the Vet Times letter suggests that Zoopharmacognosists don’t have to have veterinary referral (an issue we are clarifying with the RCVS).
In conclusion, whilst we are BIG fans of herbal medicine, and find it effective in a wide range of cases we will continue to recommend that you seek out a diagnosis by a vet, and that any herbal treatments are prescribed by a vet trained in herbal medicine. If you do decide to see a Zoopharmacognosy practitioner ensure your vet is involved in case of any reaction or interactions.
Despite our concerns about this therapy (which is in it’s infancy and may prove useful with more research and safety considerations) there is some fun you can have with self selection at home! Plant a range of tasty treats for your pets to nibble on if the fancy takes them…this is especially useful for indoor cats and rabbits.
Rabbits and guinea pigs: try dandelion, chicory, fennel, mint, and french marigold.
Cats: try valerian, catnip (these two have opposite effects so don’t plant them too close!), lavender, and cat grass (a type of oat).
Dogs: try fennel, mint, parsely, lavender, cat grass, and cleavers (goose grass).
When Vicky was studying herbal medicine she came across some interesting historical uses and memorable stories about herbs. Here she shares a few of her favourites.
Devils Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) is known as the grapple plant due to it’s unusually shaped seed cases. Some sources say these have been traditionally been used as mousetraps, though with no explanation of exactly how!
Velcro was invented after a scientist noticed how the seeds of Burdock (Arctium lappa) stuck to his dogs coat!
Although not used in making the modern day sweets the root of the Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) was once an essential ingredient.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) makes the yellow dye for Buddhist robes. Indigo (Baptista tinctora) makes a blue dye.
Finally for today, did you ever wonder why Peter Rabbit fell asleep in the vegetable garden? Well, it may have been the wild lettuce! Lactuca virosa, a relative of garden lettuce is renowned for inducing sleep.
There is a fine line sometimes between culinary and medicinal herbs! In fact many of the ingredients of your favourite Friday night take-away were originally used as much as for their medicinal properties as for their flavour!
Ginger, cinnamon, fennel and cumin all help prevent indigestion by relaxing and warming the stomach and cardamom seeds are used as a cure for upset tummies in Indian herbal medicine. When you think how hard keeping meat fresh would have been in hot countries like India it’s not surprising so many digestive herbs found their way into meals!
Sometimes we suggest herbs which are easy to obtain from the supermarket and are more effective given in that form than as tinctures or tablets. Our favourite suggestion is adding lightly crushed fennel seeds to the dinners of dogs prone to flatulence! It really works! Give 1/4 -1/2 teaspoon twice a day depending of the size of your dog. If your dog won’t eat the seeds on his dry food steep them in hot water and add the resulting ‘tea’ to his dinner instead!
Garlic can help with allergies, infections and parasites and is best fed raw and freshly grated. In excess garlic is toxic but 1/2 a clove on 5 days out of 7 is fine for a 20kg dog.
Ginger can enhance digestion and circulation and is especially good for travel and chemotherapy induced nausea. Again fresh grated ginger is best; 1/4 teaspoon twice daily for a 20kg dog.
Parsley is good for bad breath. You can feed as much as a table spoon per meal but be sure to rule out dental problems.
Turmeric is one of our favourites and it is added to many of our herbal prescriptions. Some owners choose to feed it raw and fresh though and it can be found in Asian supermarkets. 1/4 teaspoon twice daily for a 20kg dog but do be careful…it will stain anything it touches!
Although these are common culinary herbs if you are thinking of using them regularly for a health problem in your pet please discuss them with your vet first. Some may interact with conventional drugs or may not be suitable for animals with certain health conditions or due to have surgery.
At Four Seasons Holistic Veterinary Care we offer a range of treatments to complement those given by your First Opinion practice.
Acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition, behaviour, physical therapies and more!
Check back in regularly for news, case studies, advice and much more.